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Reservation Form

Welcome to Hotel for paws! We look forward to meeting you and your pup. We will contact you within the next 24 hours to confirm your reservation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 314-488-6298

NOTE: Hotel for Paws will be closed for business beginning at 6:00 PM Sunday, November 10th through Sunday, November 24th.

We will re-open for full-service boarding and day care services on Monday, November 25th.

We greatly appreciate our clients and THANK YOU for entrusting Hotel for Paws with the loving care of your furry babies for 13 years!

Please provide all the information below required by State Of Missouri

First Name*
Last Name*
Paw #1  
Paw #2  
Date: Pooch 1
Date Picker
Date: Pooch 2
Date Picker
From (mm/dd/yy)*
Date Picker
To (mm/dd/yy)*
Date Picker
Arrival Time Departure Time
Hotel For Paws is a referral base business. Please let us know who referred you to Hotel For Paws. Thank You.

If your travel plans change, please remember to cancel within 48 hours to allow other pups to make their reservations. See cancellation policy for holiday and high season requirements.

The following current, up to date vaccinations are required: Rabies, Distemper/Parvo, biannual Bordetella (Kennel Cough). Frontline (or similar) monthly flea and tick preventative medication is also required. Please have your vet's office call or email us confirmation or bring photocopies upon check-in.

In addition to our health requirements, we ask that you please bring only the amount of food your paw will need for the duration of his stay.

Food should be poly bagged per meal with a couple extra just in case.
All medicine to be in pill boxes with written instructions.

Standard Hotel Check Out is 11:00 AM, seven days a week*. After 11:00 AM $25 for first dog and $20 for additional dog. After 3:00 PM an overnight charge will be incurred

If you need to change your arrival times, please text us in advance. Text us when you are 15 minutes away. When you arrive, please park in a parking spot by the privacy fence. Remain in your car and text you are here. We will text back where to bring your dogs which will be front door or privacy fence gate. This helps us keep the dogs safe that are here.

* Front desk is closed New Year's Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day.

Please cancel 48 hours prior to check in date except for the following.

Advance notice for cancellation:

Fourteen (14) days in advance of the high season reservations that include November 20 – November 30
and December 22 – January 2.*

Seven (7) days in advance for holiday reservations that include Memorial Day, 4th of July, or Labor Day

One (1) business day for non-holiday reservations

*I will require a $50 deposit for a high season reservation and holiday reservation. Please cancel prior to the 14 or 7 business days to receive your refund.


  1. In agreement of being permitted to use the services and facilities of Hotel for Paws, I/we, the undersigned owners(s)/caregiver(s), hereby release, waive and discharge Hotel for Paws owner, staff or volunteers from all liability for any and all loss or damage, and any resulting claim or damaged, on account of injury, loss, damage, infestation, or disease to my/our dog(s) while my/our dog(s) are under the care of Hotel for Paws.
  2. I/We hereby assume full responsibility for any harm caused by my/our dog(s) while in or on the premises and while my/our dog(s) is/are under the care of Hotel for Paws. I/we further agree to indemnify Hotel for Paws, its owners, staff and volunteers, invitees and other Dogs for any loss, liability, damage, or costs they may incur due to any harm caused by my/our dogs(s).
  3. I/We Certify that my dog(s) is/are free of any infectious disease and is vaccinated for DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Para influenza, Parvo), Bordetella, and Rabies. I also certify that my pet(s) is/are free of any contagious decease, whether internal or external (including fleas and ticks), and is free of any contagious skin disorder.
  4. I/We agree to indemnify Hotel for Paws, its owners, staff and volunteers for any loss, liability, damage or cost they may incur due to my/our presence or the presence of my/our dog(s) in or upon Hotel for Paws premises.
  5. I/We further understand and agree that in admitting my/our dog(s) to Hotel for Paws, the owners of Hotel for Paws have relied on my/our representation that my/our dog(s) is/are in good health and has/have not harmed or shown aggression or threatening behavior toward any person or any other dog(s).
  6. I/We further understand and agree that any injury or illness that develops with my/our dog(s) will be treated as deemed best by Hotel for Paws, including treatment by a Veterinarian, and that I/we assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved, even if such expenses were later found to be unnecessary. Furthermore, should my/our dog(s) pass away during my/our absence, I/we direct that a Veterinarian may be called to safe keep my/our dog(s) until our arrival.
  7. I/We certify that I/we have read and understood this Agreement and Release and agree to accept all the terms and conditions and statement of this agreement.
* By checking this box, you acknowledge the terms, Agreement & release, and conditions of our cancellation policy and agree to abide by them.

Please type what you see:

Click here to submit the reservation form

Hotel For Paws. Arnold, MO 63010